WHO IS "The Enemy?"
And WHO Is Truly Blind…?
Over the last 30-40 yrs, I made a hobby to
(Re-define) old "definitions" that most of
Us Dont even give a second look...such as;
The Word "HOLY"...it means to be (complete),
(Whole)...without (division) & an absence
Of ALL "dividing lines".
The word; (Bible) itself...simply means;
(BOOK). The kids’ copy of "Pooh-Bear" is a
(BIBLE) And so is your "dictionary".
They are ALL (Bibles.)
If our current "KJV" is truly;
(Holy-inspired)- why was it translated &
Then, re-translated over 300 times since
The early (1400's?)
If the Holy-Spirit was truly the
"Living inspiration" of what we hold today
- Then only (1) single translation to our
Own native tongue would ever be needed...(?)
So, why do we now hold over (17) separate
English translations for our English
Speakers of today- & more than half of them
"Contradict each-other"...? What does this
Do to our current definitions, which are all
Esoteric based & flowered with metaphors &
(Assumptive hopes) we dare to call "faith?"
The word (FAITH) itself simply means...
("Blind hope") Aka; "assurance "Without ANY
Doubts. Can your faith remove a mountain?
"Only If That Mountain needs to be removed"
And Not Until Then- yet, sometime the mountain
Moves “regardless” of any-ones intentions.
In most cases; your plan must include the best
Interest Have the (enemy) as well. When you can
Include the best interest & intent involving
Those Enemies & everyone else who is involved-
"Then- that mountain will move most of the time.
So, what if it doesn’t…? If it don’t, then we
Need to tunnel or blast right thru that SOB…!
Not as easy as it may sound up-front, but, it
Can be done. Bottom line…? (Never Give Up).
What will it take?
It will require you to become at peace with;
The enemy...(or) Just "FAKE IT, like everyone
-Else does...!"
The word;
"ENEMY' only means (adversary) and the word
"Adversary"...means "SATAN" in the old
Hebrew translations. When you can kill a
"Satan" without wasting "vengeful anger "on
Them during their execution of (one-on-one)-
Face-2-face confrontation...then you can be
Considered a true "Master" of your emotions.
My old C/O Maj Robert Holloway spent 17 yrs
In Vietnam as a spec/Ops & he was always
Telling the entire Battalion; & me Keep
Your Friends Close- but, Keep Your Enemy
Even closer...(why?) It is only your enemy
That you need to keep track of & this will
Allow you to take the enemy down without
Having to chase them. This way; it’s much
Easier to kill them off than having to 1st
Track them down- so...The face of kindness
Towards any enemy proves to be quite useful.
Look very close; because, the enemy can
Often be Closer than you might think...
For example;
Just how possible is it for your best
Friend to sell you out- just so they can
Look more like a hero to "someone else...?
Have you ever been in that boat? Are you?
They’re now...? "Are you sure...?"(?)
It is Often said that "love" is blind- but,
So is (justice), so is "Trust", And, So is
Ignorance. I find it somewhat amusing how
All three often do share one common ground
By, LonnieCraig- aka; DrCraig6, DrCraig2,
ValadJr, SaintlySorcerer, MerlinZ, DC-7