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Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Real Hisrorical Jesus
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Wisdom of the Vampire;
Over the last 2,012 years- I have met an un-numerable amount of people who have Been waiting for the return of their long awaited "savior"…Even his own followers Thought that he would return within their own life-times- but, why should he return At all after the way his own friends treated him during his public trial…? Since his Trial was considered (a community religious issue) - the Governor washed his hands Publicly & told the religious leaders to do what they must with him.
I can just see Jesus now, laugh behind all the eyes of the hopeful that continue in hope Of his return. If I were him- I would have promised to return & then never come back. He was a good man who had a genius insight into human nature. This very same
Man taught that; "there is nothing hid"- that will not one-day be known…"why?) Only because he knew that (truth) has a "life-force" all by itself…
The Jesus I recall was "Gnostic" & never walked on water- never mind the fact That Cris Angel did & according to the press, the onlookers who swam under him to Try & uncover what he stepped on…"couldn’t find the stepping stones". The Gnostic Jesus never turned water into wine- but I did see "magician; Harry Blackstone turn Water into wine in front of a camera.
The Gnostic Jesus never raised the dead- but I did witness a Voodoo priest in Haiti resurrect the dead who were (dead) for at least (3) days- thanks to the entrails Of a “blow-fish"…According to the oldest gospel; St. Thomas- The resurrection of Jesus was only a vision- yet I have seen Cris Angel levitate in mid air while On-lookers walked under him which was a trick he learned in India according to the Reporters I spoke with.
This makes me wonder- how many of these tricks were well known Prior to the year 33ce. Iv recently discovered that (ALL) of them were very well Known among all the top seasoned illusionist in India & Egypt 1000's of years Prior to "Jesus"…
The Gnostic Jesus taught "transmigration" which is another form of common(Reincarnation) among Hasidic & Cabala Jews. The Emperor Constantine Invented the New-age Jesus in the early 1400's as a political ploy that united "Religion & state" government so (both) could benefit……Where Do We Go From Here…? We simply go back to (formula) or "square one". Nothing new Here since prior to Adam & Eve. What do we do with the (pious?) Let them live In their false hope's & dreams of "castles floating in the air" as long as they don’t (Dog) those of us who "know" that the floating castle in heaven is just a very Pleasant dream for the (self-righteous) & "pious". The Gnostic Jesus taught that (HELL) is nothing more than "human experience"…
I had often wondered why Constantine expunged that note from the "Holy Canon…?
Think about this;
If everyone knew that they always return after their physical demise- How many crimes would they commit in a (zillion life-times…?) Now you know Why Constantine advocated the "New-age Jesus" that came to light during the Years (1400-1600")…The world would be full of more "Charles Manson's" than Our current law enforcement agents could ever keep up with…"simple math."Just remember; God Loves you as much as "SHE" loved Cain & all the slandered (Innocent) ones since "Adam...
Inquiry; lonniecraig@juno