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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Black Magick Vs "White?

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Liberating Sensual & Sexual Energy. Hypnosis Fantasies for Healing Bliss (Tantra, Karma Sutra, & Sex Magick) [Explicit]
Strengthen Immune System Self-hypnosis

Self Hypnosis - The Realization Of Your Dreams

Black Magick Vs "White?
Whats  The  Difference...?

(Focus) & "Intent" 

Everyone pray's...even if they dont believe in a (higher intellegence) out-side of themselves. For example; anyone being struct down by a bolt of lightning is often called; 1 in a billion chance. Try Telling that to the Sorcerer or "Satanist who authorized it to begin with & they will reply with a smile; "your right.

 Its only the (inmature) who will tell you that "they called it into being...(yet) they may be correct & in the family of "shadow-magick... this is called (inmature)- "not right or wrong...just "inmature, or (swollen-headed)...:) "Intention" designates the "color of the "magick in question...